Monday, November 11, 2013

Kindergarten Texas TEKS in the Library

It took a while, but here it is: a comprehensive list of every ELAR TEKS for Kindergarten that I teach in the library.  (Translation for people who aren't Texas teachers: this is what curriculum I teach in the library.)  This was a huge task and I'm glad I did it -- now I see how relevant school librarians are!

K TEKS IDENTIFIED Topic Frequency Library Scope & Sequence
1 (A) words represented by print Print Awareness Weekly (1e, 2b, 3 & 4b) Year-round
1 (C) 1:1 correspondence of word and print Print Awareness Weekly (1e, 2b, 3 & 4b) Year-round
1 (F) conventions of print: right side up, turn pages, read top-to-bottom & left-to-right Print Awareness Weekly (2b & 4b) Year-round
1 (G) parts of a book Print Awareness Weekly (2a & 4a) Year-round
2 (C) generate rhymes in response to spoken words Rhymes Weekly (1e & 3) Year-round
2 (E) recognize alliteration Rhymes Weekly (3) Year-round
2 (B) identify syllables in spoken words Phonological Awareness Weekly (1e) N/A
2 (I) isolate segments of words into phonemes Phonological Awareness Weekly (1e) N/A
3 (A) identify common sounds that letter represent Phonics Weekly (1e) N/A
4 (A) what might happen next based on cover, illustrations Predictions Weekly (2 a,b & 4 a,b) Year-round
4 (B) ask and respond to questions about texts Reading Strategies Weekly (2a,c  & 4 a,c) N/A
5 (C) sort pictures into conceptual categories by attribute Graphic Organizers Regularly (5b) Year-round
5 (D) use a picture dictionary to find words Picture Dictionary Skills Regularly 5th 6-weeks on
6 (A) identify elements of a story: setting, character, key events Story Elements Weekly  (2c & 4 c) Year-round
6 (D) recognize recurring phrases & characters in traditional tales from various cultures Compare/Contrast Familiar Stories Regularly (2b,c) 2nd 6-weeks on
6 (B) themes of well-known folktales & fables Theme & Genre Periodically (2b,c) N/A
6 (C) Recognize sensory details Theme & Genre Regularly (1d, 2c, 3 & 4c) N/A
7        poetry can have regular beat and similar word sounds (rhyme, alliteratons) Poetry Weekly (3) N/A
8 (B) describe characters in a story and reasons for their actions Story Elements Weekly  (2c & 4c) Year-round
8 (A) retell a main event from a story read aloud Retell Stories Weekly (2c) Year-round
9         author's purpose Evaluate Stories Weekly (2c & 4c) 6th 6-weeks on
10 (D) use titles and illustrations to make predictions about text Predictions Weekly (2 a,b & 4 a,b) Year-round
10 (B) retell important facts in an expository text Retell Stories Weekly (4c) Year-round
10 (B,C & D) analyze & draw conclusions in expository texts Evaluate Stories Weekly (4c) 6th 6-weeks on
12 (A) analyze graphics Graphic Organizers Regularly (4b) 3rd 6-weeks on
12 (A) identify various forms of media (ads, newspaper, radio) Various Media Forms Periodically 5th 6-weeks on
12 (B) identify techniques of media (sound, movement) Techniques of Media Periodically 5th 6-weeks on
13 (A) plan a first draft by generating ideas through class discussion Generate Questions Periodically 3rd 6-weeks on
14 (A) dictate or write sentences to tell a story & put sentences in sequential order Writing Literary Texts Periodically N/A
15 (A) dictate or write information for lists, captions Document Research Regularly Year-round
18 (A) use phonological knoweldge to match sounds to letters Oral & Written Conventions Weekly (1e, 2b, 4b) N/A
19 (A) ask questions about topics of classwide interest (with adult assistance) Generate Questions Weekly (1f) Year-round
19 (B) decide which sources/people can answer questions (with adult assistance) Whole Group Research Regularly 4th 6-weeks on
20 (B) use pictures & writing when creating graphics Graphic Organizers Regularly 3rd 6-weeks on
20 (A) gather evidence from provided text sources (with adult assistance) Whole Group Research Weekly (4b) 4th 6-weeks on
20 (B) use pictures in conjunction with writing when documenting research (w/ adult assistance) Whole Group Research Regularly 4th 6-weeks on
21 (A)  listen attentively by facing speakers and asking questions to clarify information Library Procedures Weekly (1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) Year-round
21 (B) follow oral directions that involve a short, related sequence of events Library Procedures Weekly (1, 5, 6 & 7c) Year-round
RC(fig19) (D) make inferences based on cover, title, illustrations and plot Predictions/ Inference Weekly (2 a,b,c & 4 a,b,c) Year-round
RC(fig19) (A) discuss purpose for reading & listening to various texts Read Assorted Literature Weekly (2, 3, 4 & 6) Year-round
RC(Fig19) (F) make connections to ideas in other texts Pair Fiction & Non-Fiction Weekly (2 & 4) Year-round
RC(fig19) (B) ask and respond to questions about texts Generate Questions Weekly (2 a,c & 4 a,c) Year-round
RC(fig19) (E) retell or act out important events in stories Retell Stories Weekly (2c) Year-round
RC(fig19) (B) ask and respond to questions about texts Whole Group Research Weekly (2 a,c & 4 a,c Year-round
RC(Fig19) (E) retell or act out important events in stories Summarize Stories Weekly (2c, d) 6th 6-weeks on
RC(fig19) (A) discuss purpose for reading & listening to various texts Reading Comprehension Weekly (1f, 2a, 4a) Year-round
N/A (related to 1 (F)) Book Care Year-round
N/A Cyber Safety Regularly (4, 5b) 2nd 6 weeks on
N/A Book Selection Weekly (6) 2nd 6-weeks on

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