Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bob Shea Story Time 2017

Buddy And The Bunnies: Don't play with your food

Pre Reading:
During: watch # of bunnies multiplying
Post Reading

Monster Pokey 
(Sung to the tune of "Hokey Pokey") 
You put your claws in. 
You put your claws out. 
You put your claws in and you shake them all about. 
You do the Monster Pokey and you turn yourself around, 
That's what it's all about. 

You put your fangs in. 
You put your fangs out. 
You put your fangs in and you shake them all about. 
You do the Monster Pokey and you turn yourself around, 
That's what it's all about. 

You put your horns in. 
You put your horns out. 
You put your horns in and you shake them all about. 
You do the Monster Pokey and you turn yourself around, 
That's what it's all about. 

You put your tail in. 
You put your tail out. 
You put your tail in and you shake it all about. 
You do the Monster Pokey and you turn yourself around, 
That's what it's all about.

“Monsters Galore”
Monsters galore, can you roar? (Roar.)
Monsters galore, can you soar? (Flying motions.)
Monsters galore, please shut the door. (Clap.)
Monsters galore, fall on the floor! (Sit/fall down.)

Action Rhyme: “Monster Stomp”
If you want to be a monster, now’s your chance.
‘Cause everybody’s doing the monster dance.
You just stamp your feet, wave your arms around. (Stomp, wave arms.)
Stretch ‘em up, stretch ‘em up, (Stretch up arms.)
Then put them on the ground. (Put hands on the floor.)
‘Cause you’re doing the monster stomp. (Stomp feet.)
That’s right! You’re doing the monster stomp. (Stomp feet.)

Other Potential Monster Crafts: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/525936062708094899/?lp=true

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