Monday, October 27, 2014


Halloween is just around the corner, so this week we're having a funny (not scary) MONSTER story time.  This looks to be great fun and I can't wait to read, sing, and play with the kindergarten classes this week!

Halloween is here, and we’re celebrating with some (slightly) scary monster stories.
Bring students to carpet, get them settled.

Welcome Song (To London Bridge is Falling Down)

        Welcome to the library, library, library. Welcome to the library,
        Please come inside and read. 

        We’re glad to have you here today, here today, here today. 
        We’re glad to have you here today, today’s a special day.

Finger Play:  I Had A Little Red Balloon
I had a little red balloon
Pretend to hold a balloon in between your two hands.
And I blew, and I blew, and I blew.
Pretend to blow up the balloon.
And it grew, and it grew, and it grew.
Spread your two hands further and further apart.
I tossed it up in the air,
Pretend to toss the balloon up with your two hands.
And didn’t let it drop.
I bounced it on the ground,
Pretend to bounce the balloon on the ground with your two hands.
And it went “Pop!”
Clap your two hands together as you shout the word “Pop!”
Variation: Repeat only change the balloon (and your voice) to a great big or a teeny tiny balloon.

Library Expectations- “4 finger rules” of the library: (source M. Lynn)
quiet (1 finger to mouth)
watch teachers (2 fingers to eyes)
listen to stories and directions (3 fingers cup ears)
and always walk (4 fingers make floor, 2 from other hand are walking.)

Mystery Bag:  What’s inside the mystery box today?  The object inside the box will give us a clue what our story time is going to be about. 
(bulky, soft, squishy)  It’s a stuffed puppet monster!

Word of the Week: say it, syllabicate it TEACHER draws it in the air, invites students to “air write” with her. 

English:  Monster
Spanish:  Monstruo (MON-stro)
  (Sign language is a real language where people use their hands to communicate.  The sign for monster- surprise the person you’re talking to by bringing your hands up like claws and making a scary face!)

 Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly (Little, Brown, 1992.)

Before: Read title together.  What will it be about? 

During: Look for the cutouts and point out the “strategy” Emberley uses to rid the reader of fear of monsters.

AfterWas that a good solution to their problem?

Action Rhyme: Going on a Monster Hunt  source: Perry Public Library
We’re going on a monster hunt.  We’re going to find a big one!
We’re not scared, but –
What if he’s under the bed? (Pretend to peek under bed)
Better go over it, squoosh, squoosh, squoosh. (walk palms on legs)
What if he’s in the closet? (Pretend to open door)
Better close it, SLAM!. (Clap hands loudly)
What if he’s behind the curtains? (peek through hands)
Better open them, SWISH! (fly hands apart)
What if he’s in the hallway? (shade eyes)
Better tiptoe down it, (tiptoe)
What if he’s in the garage? (shade eyes)
Better stomp thru it, (stomp feet)
Shhh! (put finger to lips)
What’s That????
Aahh! It’s a monster! (Scream loudly & wave hands)
Stomp thru the garage, (stomp feet)
Tiptoe thru the hallway, (tiptoe)
Close the curtains, (fly hands together)
Open the closet, (Pretend to open door)
Turn on the lights (snap fingers)
And jump into bed, (jump)
Phew! (brush brow)
We’re not going on a monster hunt again! (shake head ‘no’)
You put your claws in, you take your claws out.
You put your claws in, and you shake them all about.
You do the wild rumpus and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!
(continue with horns, tail, big foot, and hairy self)

I read the three poems on 42-43, John Ciardi’s The Halloween House, Myra Cohn Livingston’s The House At The Corner and Jack Prelutsky’s Countdown.

Before Reading:  These poems (or just read one!) are about a spooky Halloween night (Show picture.) 

During Reading:  Read the poem(s).  Listen for rhymes, point them out.

After Reading: Which one did you like best?  Why?

This book (like almost every Marc Brown storytelling aid book) is FANTASTIC.  You really need to hunt it down if you can.  Pictures are not too spooky, and there is a great variety of stories, poems, songs and such.

Spooky Riddles
Q: What kind of dessert does a ghost like?
A:  Ice Scream!

Q: Where do cowboy goblins live?
A:  In a ghost town!

Q:  How do you unlock a haunted house?
A: With a skeleton key!


Alternative Resouce

Frank Was A Monster Who Wanted to Dance (accesed on Tumblebooks.)

There’s A Nightmare In My Closet by Mercer Mayer
(time allowing…)
Whichever book you choose, talk about the reasons the characters do the things they do...          
Check Out
Today we start teaching how to use the shelf markers and choose books from the K section of the library under CLOSE supervision.
Also, you can Google “Funny Monster Coloring Pages” and find some good choices.  I had them NAME their monster the funniest name they could think of and wrote it for them before sending them home!

Review: word of week and intent. 
Line Up By… color of your monster

Goodbye Song:
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Raise your hands up high.
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Wave and say goodbye.

Other book resources:
Even Monsters Need Haircuts
Boo Bunny by Kathryn Galbraith
Monster Poems edited by Daisy Wallace (Old, but good!)
If You’re a Monster and You Know It
The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)

Other activities:
Play Pandora’s Halloween channel while they craft!

Many thanks for ideas to some excellent storytellers out there:

This Week’s TEKS:  1 (A) words represented by print
                                    1 (C) 1:1 correspondence word/print
                                    1 (F) Conventions of Print
                                    1 (G) Parts of A Book
                                    2 (B) Identify Syllables in spoken words
                                    3 (A) Identify common sounds letters represent
                                    4 (A) Identify what happens next based on cover, illustration
                                    4 (B) Ask & respond to questions about text
5 (c) sort pictures into conceptual categories by attribute
                                    6 (A) Identify elements of a story: setting character, key events
6 (b) themes of well-known folk tales and fables
                                    6 (C) Recognize sensory details
6 (d) recurring characters and phrases in folk tales
                                    7      Poetry has regular beat, similar word sounds (rhyme, alliteration)
                                    8 (a) retell a main event from a story told aloud
8 (B) describe characters in a story and reasons for their actions
                                    10 (D) use titles/illustrations to make predictions about text
                                    10 (B) retell important facts in an expository text
18 (A)  use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters
19 (A) ask questions of class-wide interest (with adult assistance)
20 (A) gather evidence from provided text sources (with adult assistance)
                                    21 (A) listen attentively by facing speakers and asking questions
                                    21 (B) Follow oral directions that involve a short, related sequence of events
                                    RC(fig 19) (D)  make inferences based on cover, title, illustrations and plot
                                    RC(fig 19) (A) discuss purpose for reading & listening to various texts
RC(fig 19) (A) discuss purpose for reading or listening to various texts
                                    RC(fig 19) (B)  ask and respond to questions about texts

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