Monday, October 21, 2013

K9: Wolves! (Little Red Riding Hood)

This week, we're reading about wolves!  Halloween is coming, so I felt like being a little scary.  Plus, traditional tales seem to be going the way of cursive handwriting, so I'm doing my part to keep Grimm and other folk tales alive.  This week, it's Little Red Riding Hood (a colleague even lent me an old Red-Grandma-Wolf doll) and next week will be Three Little Pigs.

 KINDERGARTEN LESSON PLAN                                                         Week of October 21
Wolves, Part 1 (Little Red Riding Hood)
TEKS:    K19(a)  Students ask questions about topics of class-wide interest  (with adult assistance)
                     K19(b)  Students decide which sources/people can answer questions (with adult assistance)
     K20(a)  Students gather evidence from provided text sources (with adult assistance)
     K20(b)  Students use pictures in conjunction with writing when documenting research
(with adult assistance)

Compare/Contrast Familiar Stories         Cyber Safety                  Pair Fiction & Non-Fiction
Book Selection                                          Story Elements                 Rhymes
Predictions                                                 Procedures                        Print Awareness             
Read Assorted Literature                         Book Care     

Intent:  Introduce children to the wolf as an animal and a character in traditional stories through time.

  1. Welcome Song:  (Sung to “If you’re happy and you know it”)
If you’re ready for a story take a seat.   If you’re ready for a story take a seat. 
Clap your hands and stomp your feet, Now make your hands all nice and neat. 
If you’re ready for a story take a seat.

  1. Finger Play:  Wiggle Fingers
Wiggle Fingers, Wiggle So.  Wiggle High, Wiggle Low. 
Wiggle Left, Wiggle Right, Wiggle Fingers, OUT OF SIGHT!

    1. Set Library Behavioral Expectations:  Graphic CHAMPS reminder (weeks 4-)
  1. Mystery Bag
    1.  Today, I’m passing around our mystery bag.  What words can we use to describe the object inside? (soft, large, squishy…) It’s a… doll, a girl wearing a red cape.. or maybe a red hood?  Have you ever heard of  a little girl who wore a red hood? (Solicit previous knowledge on Little Red Riding Hood.)
  2.  Word of the Week:  (Forms a cornerstone of the lesson, aids in understanding and connecting text themes)
    1. English: Wolf.  Say it, syllabicate it.  Spell it in the air with two fingers.
    1. Spanish:  lobo.
    2. ASL (American Sign Language.)  Sign language is a real language where people use their hands to communicate.  Here is the sign for wolf.  We use our hand to draw out his long nose and make his snout:  It’s that simple!
 4.  Pre-Reading   Today, we are going start off by looking at some pictures of wolves to learn about them.  Then, we’ll read two stories about wolves and do some wolf coloring.  Finally, it will be time to get some books and go back to class.

Resource #1: (Pebblego WOLVES) (note- typing WOLF will not work -- must use plural!)
  1. READ article together.
  2. Reflection:  What animals do wolves look like?  What similar animals can you think of and why? (dogs, coyotes… 4 legs, fur, tail, snout.)

Story #2:  Little Red Riding Hood Times Two!
                Video: (Speakaboo, flash, 6 min)
                Big Book: Little Red Riding Hood (traditional story)
                                Manipulative: Wolf-Grandma – Red Riding Hood puppet.

 Pre-reading : We are going to read an old story called Little Red Riding Hood, but we’re going to listen to two different versions – that is, two different ways of telling the same story.  When we’re through, let’s see if we can tell what is the SAME and what is DIFFERENT between the book and the video.
  2. Reflection (Similarities in plot until hunter appears, then way wolf is disposed of differs.)

  1. Jokes: 
Q: What did the wolf say when someone stepped on his foot?
A: Aoooowwwwww! 

Q: What did one wolf say to another?
A: Howl's it goin'! 

Q: What do you call a lost wolf?

What do wolves have that no other animal has?
Wolf cubs! (Baby Wolves)

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
A Fred!
A Fred who?
Who’s a Fred of the Big Bad Wolf

Story #3: Let’s Play in the Forest When the Wolf is not Around (Claudia Rueda, Scholastic, 2006)
 Is actually a song!  Children sing along.

CRAFT:  Wolf coloring page @

Check out books
  1. Circle:  Today we learned about a great, beautiful, and fearsome animal-  the wolf.  Next week, we’ll read more about this creature…  Word of week in English, Spanish, and ASL.
  2. Closing Song: Open,shut them.  Open, shut them.  Raise your hands up high. Open, shut them, open shut them, wave and say good bye.
  3. Line Up By… Every week, we line up according to different criteria, makes kids pay attention, work on grouping, differentiating among options. Today people who have a pet at home – name pet, get in line…

Extra Material: 
Themed unit

Video (video, old fashioned, 8 mins, little chilling) (jigsaw puzzle w/wolf, teaches mouse skilss, fine motor coord.)

Wolves find each other by scent --  cool! I might try this next week for part two!

Wolf reading list


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