Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Nic Bishop Story Time

Nic Bishop's accessible, gorgeous photography amazes even the youngest learner.  This week we browsed all his books and read NIC BISHOP FROGS: we learned about these fascinating creatures and made room to understand text features and open ourselves to independent research on the animals we love.

Word of the Week: FROG / RANA
Sign language: first we watched a very short video to observe how the sign might have been created.  

Video at:
A really fun ASL video at:

Companion Video:
Our students LOVED seeing Coyote Peterson's daughter join him on a frog hunt to learn how to safely catch and observe frogs.  

Students are starting to do research projects: we demonstrated PebbleGo and some other databases that could give us information about frogs at their learning level and had a brief foray into the internet where we saw that when you "Google" FROG, you don't get much a kindergarten student can use.  

They're so curious and ready to learn that usually PebbleGo and a set of headphones filled up the rest of our hour together... but we also had some coloring pages of all the different Nic Bishop animals for those who wanted to express themselves artistically.

If you needed some activities, fingerplays & etc, this site helped a lot:  /

Everyone said they LOVED Nic Bishop and wanted more of this lesson.  Hooray!