of April 14
THIS WEEK’S TEKS: 1 a, b, f, g Print
b, c, e, i Rhymes &
Phonological Awareness
a Phonics
a, b Prediction &
Reading Strategies
a Story Elements
7 Poetry
a, b Retell Stories,
Story Elements
9 Author’s Purpose
b, c, d Predict, Evaluate
& Retell Stories
a Oral &
Written Conventions
a Generate
a Whole Group
a, b Library Procedures
a,b,d,f,e Read Assorted
Literature, Generate Questions,
Whole Group Research, Predictions/Inference,
Whole Group Research, Predictions/Inference,
Pair Fiction & Non-Fiction, Retell
and Summarize Stories
Reading Comprehension
n/a Book Selection
Today we are going to listen to stories, watch
presentations and share out love for our home, planet Earth
…so that we can be better stewards of our planet.
…We’ll know we’ve got it when we create a poster to show the school things
we learned about how to be more responsible citizens of Earth Day and every
a. Welcome Song: Welcome to the Library (To “London Bridge is
Falling Down.”)
Welcome to the library, library, library.
Welcome to the library, please come inside and read.
We’re glad to have you here today, here today, here today.
We’re glad to
have you here today, today’s a special day.
Finger Play: MONKEYS AND
Five little monkeys (Hold up 5 fingers.)
Swinging from a tree,
Teasing Mr. Alligator, (Point finger as if teasing.)
“Can’t catch me!
You can’t catch me!” (Shake head “no.”)
Along came Mr. Alligator (Put palms together and slowly
Quiet as can be, move like an alligator.)
And snatched a monkey (Open and clap palms as if
Right out of the tree! chomping on something.)
“Missed me, missed me! (Put open hands on either side
Now you gotta kiss me!” of your head and wiggle.)
Set Library Behavioral Expectations: (reinforce / commend examples )
Graphic CHAMPS reminder (weeks 4-)
Mystery Bag Miniature Recycling Bin
Word of the Week: (Forms a cornerstone of the lesson, aids in
understanding and connecting text themes)
English: Recycle
Spanish: Reciclar
ASL (American Sign
Language.) Sign language is a real language where people use their hands
to communicate. Here is the sign for … recycle. Hold your
left index and middle fingers up high, you’re your right fist go around in a
circle. You’re recycling in sign
Intent & Agenda:
Build interest and explain, in general,
the intent of the lesson and why it was chosen as a topic. Speak the
objective above.
2. STORY/RESOURCE #1: (Feliz
Dia de la Tierra/Happy Earth Dayby Alex Appleby, Gareth Stevens, 2014.)
a. Pre-reading: READ title.
Who’s heard of Earth Day? What is on the cover that will help us figure
out what earth day is about? (Title/series title, hands, green leaves and soil on
b. READ:
This one is short enough you can read in both languages. As you read each page, ask kids if they have
done any of the activities described in the book.
c. Reflection: So what is
Earth Day? Retell things you can do to
celebrate it at school and at home.
d. Extension Activity:
2 songs.
Recycling Song (Sung to the tune of Row Your
Boat )(*Have paper, bottle, etc. on hand)
Save, save, save the cans, throw them in the bin,
We can help to save the earth if we all pitch in.
Save, save, save the paper....
Save, save, save the bottles....
Save, save, save the plastics....
"Pick It Up" Song Sung to:
"London Bridge"
See the litter, pick it up.
Pick it up, pick it up.
See the litter, pick it up.
We are not litterbugs!
What is a tree’s
least favorite month?
What did the tree
wear to the pool party?
Swimming trunks!
Swimming trunks!
3. POEM: see next resource
4. STORY #2 Our Big Home:
An Earth Poem: (Linda Glaser, 2000, Millbrook Press.)
Pre-reading Look at kids on cover, what else
do you see – animals of land and ocean and sky.
Water. Crops, cities,
arctic/desert land…)
Activity Earth Day Yoga Sequence
Plant blossoming
Flowers and veggies in your backyard garden – Child’s Pose (seed) to Kneeling
Walk to school to
reduce gas pollution – Walking on the spot
Be a Cloth Bag to
carry groceries, instead of plastic bags – Boat Pose, like a cloth bag
Play games and read a
book outside, where you don’t use electricity– Butterfly Pose, with bent legs
like the pages of a book
Be a Bicycle that you
ride to school to reduce pollution – Laying on back, with legs riding a bike
Rest on your back and
look at the shining Stars through the clear night sky, with no air or light pollution
– Resting (Corpse) Pose, imagining that you are looking at a clear night sky,
breathe deeply and relax
Resource# 3: Video How to help our planet from Scholastic’s Let’s
Find Out:,AAAAAFv844g~,BASb5BU03X_eIBnnf4N2avlw_27bwH8g&bctid=820012270001&cid=SN/e/20110421////NL///LFO/////
5. ACTIVITY (pick one)
6. Check out books
7. Conclusion
a. Circle:
i. review
ii. word
of week in English, Spanish, and ASL.
closing song
Line Up By… Who has a garden at home?
Who walks or rides a bike to school?
Whose parents use bags from home instead of taking store bags when
shopping? Who turns off the lights and
TV when they leave the room?
High Five the Word of
the Week on the door on the way out. The Word
of the week, written or printed on a diecut hand, is taped at kindergarten eye
level . As students leave, they can gently high-five the word to increase
sight word familiarity. (Recycle/Earth)
Day to Celebrate Earth (source unknown!)
April 22 is Earth Day. Each
year on Earth Day, people get together to celebrate the planet and work to
protect it. People have been celebrating
Earth Day since 1970. Earth Day was started by a man named Gaylord Nelson, who
was a lawmaker from Wisconsin. He was worried about the ways people were
hurting the Earth.
Make Every Day Earth Day!
Many people think that
every day should be Earth Day. They say people should always work to stop
pollution. Pollution is the dirtying of the land, air, and water. Here are some
ways to help the planet every day.
You can recycle cans,
bottles, and newspapers. That means keeping these things out of the regular
trash. Instead, you put them into special bins. Then they are processed, so
that the materials they are made of can be used again.
Start a can recycling
program at your school. You can use the money you earn from returning the cans
to buy things your school needs.
Don't Be a Litterbug!
Don't litter! Be a good
example for other kids. If you see litter, pick it up and put it in trash cans
or recycling bins.
Save a Tree, Plant a Tree!
Paper is made from trees.
You can save a tree by not wasting paper. Use both sides of a sheet of paper.
Celebrate National Arbor
Day. On this holiday, people plant and care for trees. National Arbor Day is
the last Friday in April, but many states celebrate it on different days. They
choose a day that is best for planting trees in their own climate.
Don't Waste Water!
You can easily save water.
Turn the water off while brushing your teeth and washing your face.
Save Energy!
Save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room.
Do not leave a radio or TV on if you are not using it.
Plant a tree
in your back yard – habitat for animals, lower greenhouse gas emission, lower
cooling bill
Walk or Bike
to school
Plant a
Cook at home
– meal focused on vegetables, grains and fruit, or LOCAL food…
Turn out
your lights for an hour
What can you
do that doesn‘t require electricity
Resources to
help make your Earth Day lesson :