of Feb. 24
THIS WEEK’S TEKS: 1 a, c, f, g Print Awareness
2 b, c, e, i Rhymes & Phonological
3 a
4 a, b
Prediction & Reading Strategies
6 a,
Story Elements
8 a, b
Retell Stories, Story Elements
Author’s Purpose
10 d Predict, Evaluate & Retell Stories
12 a, b
identify various forms &
techniques of media
18 a
Oral & Written Conventions
19 a
Generate Questions
20 a
Whole Group Research
21 a, b
Library Procedures
RC(fig19) a,b,d,f,e Read Assorted
Literature, Generate Questions, Whole Group
Research, Predictions/Inference, Pair
Fiction & Non-Fiction, Retell
Summarize Stories, Reading Comprehension
Book Selection
Take a moment to enjoy the funny things dogs do! This story time is all about laughter and
jokes, but we also start talking about MEDIA, forms and techniques.
a. . Welcome
Song: Welcome to the Library (To “London Bridge is Falling Down.”)
Welcome to the
library, library, library.
Welcome to the
library, please come inside and read.
We’re glad to have
you here today, here today, here today.
We’re glad to
have you here today, today’s a special day.
b. Welcome Fingerplay:
I had a little red balloon
I had a little red balloon
Pretend to hold a balloon in between your two hands.
And I blew, and I blew, and I blew.
Pretend to blow up the balloon.
And it grew, and it grew, and it grew.
Spread your two hands further and further apart.
I tossed it up in the air,
Pretend to toss the balloon up with your two hands.
And didn’t let it drop.
I bounced it on the ground,
Pretend to bounce the balloon on the ground with your two hands.
And it went “Pop!”
Clap your two hands together as you shout the word “Pop!”
Variation: Repeat only change the
balloon (and your voice) to a great big or a teeny tiny balloon
c. Set Library
Behavioral Expectations: (reinforce
/ commend examples )
i. sit, attend, be kind,
raise hand to talk
Mystery Bag : Laughing Monkey Doll (this is the most
annoying toy on earth… Grandma, of course, gave it to my son many years ago.
You push his stomach and he laughs insanely for 15.)
Word of the Week:
(Forms a cornerstone of the lesson, aids in understanding and connecting
text themes)
English FUNNY
Spanish DIVERTIDO (dee-ver-TEE-dough)
ASL (American Sign Language
Use index & middle finger of right hand, wipe down nose from bridge to tip,
smile while doing it!
& Agenda: There’s one thing I bet
everyone in this room likes, and that’s a funny story. Today, we’re also going to learn a little bit
about HOW we learn things – different ways to learn – then we’re going to have
a good time and enjoy some funny stories both in print and electronic ways.
2. STORY/RESOURCE #1: (Bark, George by Jules Pfieffer,
Harper Collins, 1999.)
a. Pre-Reading: Who makes a bark?
Today you might be surprised what noises and animal can make!
b. READ: involve students by asking them to make
the animal noises along with you.
c. Reflection: Retell story: this is a good opportunity to talk
about problem/solution so they understand PLOT next year. (problem, animal noises, solution, remove
animals inside George!)
d. Extension
Activity :
you hop like a rabbit?
in standing position. Have child mimic your actions.)
you hop like a rabbit? (Put hands to ears and hop)
you jump like a frog? (Crouch down and jump)
you fly like a bird? (Wave arms, as if flying)
you run like a dog? (Run in place while ‘dog paddling’ with hands)
you walk like a duck? (Place hands on hips and waddle)
you swim like a fish? (Make wave motions with hands)
be still, like a good child – (Fold hands and stand still)
still as this?
Jokes: What makes more
noise than a dog barking outside your window?
(Two dogs barking outside your window!)
(Two dogs barking outside your window!)
What do dogs eat at the movies?
Activity: Types of Media: we just read a book, and reading a book is
one way to get information. There are
other ways to learn, too. Let’s look at
some of them (flashcards ) together, these are called MEDIA. Now, before we read our next book, let’s do
two things.
group into electronic and print sources (note that all print sources are
also available now is electronic format!)
poll, which do you like best?
(Students stand by the caption/picture they like)
4. STORY/RESOURCE #2: The Night I followed the
Dog by Accessed Februrary 24, 2014 from (
Pre-reading : While we read the
first book on paper, now we are going to read the second book on the computer.
c. Reflection:
How is it different to read online and
in print? (can you remember details as well?
What about narration? More
difficult or less to go back and reread?)
Extension Activity #2 We’re going to move like some animals now to
the music. When the music starts, start
acting like the animal. When the music
stops, FREEZE!
5. ACTIVITY (Coloring dogs)
6. Check out books
7. Conclusion
i. review intent
ii. word of week in English, Spanish, and ASL.
closing song (open shut them, open
shut them, raise your hands up high.
Open, shut them. Open, shut
them. Wave and say goodbye.)