Week 1
Welcome to the Library!
TEKS: K19(a) Students ask questions about topics of class-wide interest (with adult assistance)
K19(b) Students decide which sources/people can answer questions (with adult assistance)
Pacing: Rhymes*Predictions*Read Assorted Literature*Procedures*Print Awareness*Book Care
Intent: This is the first visit to the school library for our kindergarten. Set the foundation of behavioral, academic, and community expectations and introduce the concept of a school library in the context of the students' own experiences with libraries, reading, and print/electronic resources. (Time: 45-50 minutes.)
CIRCLE: Welcome Song
Welcome to the Library (tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
Welcome to the library, the library, the library
Welcome you the library,
Please come inside and read.
We're glad to have you here today, here today, here today.
We're glad to have you here today,
Today's a special day.
Finger Play: This is Big
This is big big big Hold arms out to side
This is small small small Cup hands together
This is short short short Hold hands with palms facing each other
This is tall tall tall Reach one hand above head
This is fast fast fast Circle fists quickly
This is slow slow slow Circle fists slowly
This is yes yes yes Nod
This is no no no Shake head
Set Expectations:/Social Story: We Visit The Library Social Story
Pre-reading: Welcome to the library. Who’s been to a library before? Who has a library card? What do you do when you go to the public library (story time, get books, use computer, games, programming/ events) A library is a place where many resources are stored so you can find books and information you want. A library gives you books, computer use, and help for FREE as long as you bring back what you borrow and treat the materials with care. We have public libraries here in Denton (show pictures) and you have a school library. Your teacher has a classroom library, with books that are just meant for reading in her room. But did you know you can even have a small library at your home? If you have a bookcase, or even a shelf full of books, you, too have a library. (Does anyone?) The people who work in the library have a special name: (librarians!) They know the best books to read, and can help you to answer questions you have about anything in the world – school, your family, your town – anything! Remember, you can ask the librarian a question any time during the school day and we’ll be happy to help you find an answer. The school library is a lot like the public library, but we are right here in the school, so you can visit us so easily! You’ll come here all year and I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun and learn many things.
Every week, kindergarten comes to visit the library. We’ll sing songs, do finger plays, read books (of course), tell jokes and do fun activities. Starting next week, you’ll be able to check out a book to take back to class, too!
Word of the Week: Library/Biblioteca ASL Sign: http://www.handspeak.com/word/index.php?dict=li&signID=2974 (sign language is a real language where people use their hands to communicate. Here is the sign for library. Make a capital letter L with your right hand… now move it in a circle a few times. That’s it! You learned the sign for library!) :
Mystery Box: What’s inside the mystery box today? The object inside the box will give us a clue what our story time is going to be about. (Object this week is the first book.) Now, let’s get started reading! This book is about a librarian who not only helps people, but she helps animals, too!
Story/Resource #1: Wild About Books by Judy Sierra
Reflection: Those animals loved books! Who here loves books? When we read that book together, did you notice HOW we read it? Who can tell us HOW we read a book? (conventions and book care, solicit responses from students.)
Poem/song/fingerplay/jokes: Let’s take a moment before our next story to have a little fun. We just read a story about a zoo, so let’s stand up… and be alligators. Repeat this rhyme 2x.
A is for alligator
Chomp, chomp, chomp
B is for ball
Bounce, bounce, bounce
C is for circle
Turn 'round and 'round
D is for dizzy
Let's all sit down!
ACTION RHYME: Here is my Book (video at Reading is Fundamental site, http://www.rif.org/kids/leadingtoreading/en/preschoolers/play/here_is.htm)
Here is my book. I can open it wide,
To show the pictures that are inside.
Here's my ball so big and round
That I toss in the air or roll on the ground.
Here's my umbrella that keeps me dry,
When the raindrops drop from the cloudy sky.
Here's my kitty-just hear her purr
As I gently stroke her soft warm fur.
Some Corny Library Jokes
•Where was the librarian when the lights went out?
In the dark!
• 'My dog tried to eat my library book,' a boy told the librarian.
'What did you do?' asked the librarian.
'I took the words right out of his mouth.'
• Where do books sleep?
Under their covers.
• What vegetables do librarians like?
(Quiet peas!)
• What building has the most stories?
(The library!)
Story/Resource #2: Now, a lot of the time we’ll read books on the computer, or read a non-fiction book (which is another word for a TRUE story) at this time, but today I felt like singing a book! Yes, that’s right The Library Doors by Toni Buzzeo *(Sung to the tune of Wheels On The Bus. Encourage participation.)
Song/fingerplay/stretch/game: Stretches for kids: Because we read a book about the zoo today, I thought we could take the opportunity to move around a little bit and pretend to be an animal.
First, let’s be frogs! http://www.namastekid.com/learn/kids-yoga-poses/frog-pose/
Now, let’s be lions! http://www.namastekid.com/learn/kids-yoga-poses/lion-pose/
Finally, let’s calm it down and relax with this stretch. It’s called child’s pose:
Activity/craft Library Coloring Page: students practice writing the word Library and color a library book.
Check out books: students will not check out books the first week.
Circle: Review word of week
Closing song Open Shut Them
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Raise your hands up high.
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Wave and say goodbye.
Pet the puppet (alligator) and line up to return to class!